Yeah yeah, blah.
Counters and whatever.
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Yeah yeah, blah.
Counters and whatever. :D |
YO! laotaima is in the house!
she's studying in RGS,in the class
■ Guitar lessons!
■ good results ■walk closer to God ■ happy all day long ■excel in softball ■type tee ■ celebrate christmas in a snowy place ■REAL DOG ■super junior to come to singapore ■super junior poster |
527262847336805299 date: Thursday, November 1, 2007 time: 8:49 PM comments: 0
yo!!!! yesterday went 2 vic hse...wif rj n max...we gt in2 trouble wif GUARDS again again again n again!lol we saw sim guy wif hios frenz dey keep pulling me towards him la! so irratating. i hate him! den i climb on2 a pillar 2 prevent rj frm pulling me. guard scold(1)BAM could recognise me leh. den we make a lot of noise n de club hse guards scold(2). *sigh* hard luck! den we went played com. l8r we went down 2 play wif a gal called rachael wong P4 she is rj's bro's classmate. gt dog...called cute. den gt a lot of dogs gathering dere i played wif dem. l8r dono y suddenly a dog was chasing another. rushing 2wards me sia. quickly stand up n run lyk xiao la. scary sia...i scream n scream ppl looking @ me i dun care. aiyoh i tink i cant own a dog la....haha!den played wfo rachael she invited us 2 de bbq dun! den 2day beg again she allow!yesh!
2day go watch arctic tales wif hole lvl! so fun go tiong bahru plaza. we in de bus den sim guys was sitting in de bus next 2 us....!tough luck! den we go collect de popcorn we ordered. b4 going in my n rj already finsih lyk 1/3 of de coke liao. by 11.00am popcorn gone...haha. we were sitting in front(boo!)i had 2 crane my neck leh...pain.lousy sitting la. shld @ least put us @ de back meh nt as if i lao hua rite? mayb i m!!the show vry heartwarming dey took lyk 15 years 2 film it leh wah hw long eh....i bet if we go hor mayb we create a box office 4 arctic tales. bout global warming n stuff.i came out high tide. den si vic in the bus keep disturbing me my tide go higher liao. i "ren" 4 lyk 1h+++ finally reach sku can go toilet...!!!yay! nvr felt so great b4...haha! it was fun... |
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yo! today we guys went 2 changi beach...4 cleaning... psle activities is over so sad. last day... hi psle activities is finally here!!!... go xiyuan's hse so fun!!!!!me edwin and boyu came ... hey guys....!!!! lon tym no c! i will b praying fo... hi!! i got back my piano exam results rui jun, r u ok?????? read yr post nt tt ... psle is over. finally is over.woooooooooohhooooooo... scince is hard!! tedious i mean. section a is pret... psle is goin 2 b over......english is EASY compo d... |
6a'07<333333 andriana andyy charis charmaine crystal desiree elizabeth hui min isabel jaslyn jiayu jin han jing hui jing lin joan jonathan kimberly liwei maxene momo nikki rui jun ryan sarah sheree shi hui shi jia stephanie venessa victoria yanyi yingjiao zuo wei Rafflesians! softball batch blog <3 104'08 204'09 MS TAN adelle alethea alicia aliza amanda amanda chin arunima brenda cara celeste celine charmaine dayana ee iyn esna felicia ginteng jamie god angel jia hui jia ying jing han julia karen michelle ng michelle tan peiqi phyllis reetz samantha sara tarbet tracy vanessa R vanessa yap wanli winnie yingxin yunteng veronica victoria yeo yi jun zhengning church! aaron ariella dominique esther grace michelle |
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